Tibet Security Assessment
There are whatever your thoughts on the political situation in Tibet (China) there is a stable and strong Government who value security so traveling in Tibet is safe.
Road Travel
There are often multiple landslides on the road around the Nepal-China border, on both sides. Exercise great care in crossing recent landslides between.
Old Land-cruisers are not as safe or reliable as the new 4500 model ones; we use mainly the new ones as you travel thru some particularly remote regions, especially to Kailash. In general the drivers are very experienced and safe.
Tibetans are generally honest and hotel staff can be trusted not to walk off with your belongings. Pickpockets and purse snatchers are virtually unknown and there seem to be no scams aimed at parting you from your money. Mountaineers at BC and ABC should be careful with cash.
Avoid taking photographs of Chinese soldiers and at the border areas. Many Gompa, Buddhist Monastery either forbid photography inside or charge sometimes large fees for it - ask first. Outside, no problem. If there are any problems during the Tibet travel then our staff will try solving this problem.